Service Bulletins
To find out outstanding bulletins per vehicle, go to Online Warranty.
Date Sort ascending | Bulletin | Type | Title | System | Model(s) | Model Year(s) | Language | Actions |
1991 | IS-91079 | Instruction Sheet | REPLACEMENT TACHOMETER | 23 Accessories | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1991 | En | |
1991 | FI-91079 | Feuille D'instruction | TACHYMèTRE DE REMPLACEMENT | 23 Accessoires | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1991 | Fr | |
1991 | Is-91106 | Instruction Sheet | replacement of engine splash guard #01-1387 with kit #01-1576 or #01-1577 | 18 Body | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1991 | En | |
1991 | Is-91770 | Instruction Sheet | installation of a "Quick-Lounge" system in a H3-40 coach | 18 Body | H3-40 | 1990 - 1994 | En | |
1991 | SR91-21 | Safety Recall | Evaporator motor junction post | 06 Electrical | XL-40 XL-40 Motorhome XL-45 XL-45 Entertainer XL-45 Motorhome |
1984 - 1991 | En | |
1991 | Is-91016 | Instruction Sheet | Sealing technique for clearance lights on front and rear caps and in center of vehicle | 18 Body | XL-40 Motorhome XL-40 XL-45 XL-45 Motorhome |
1990 - 1991 | En | |
1991 | CR91-21 | Campagne De Rappel | Borne de jonction du moteur de l'évaporateur | 06 Electrique | XL-40 XL-40 Motorhome XL-45 XL-45 Entertainer XL-45 Motorhome |
1984 - 1991 | Fr | |
1991 | Is-91017 | Instruction Sheet | sealing technique for upper and lower windshields | 18 Body | XL-40 Motorhome XL-40 XL-45 XL-45 Motorhome |
1990 - 1991 | En | |
1991 | Is-91018 | Instruction Sheet | Sealing technique for emergency roof escapes | 18 Body | XL-40 XL-45 |
1984 - 1991 | En | |
1990 | Is-9015 | Instruction Sheet | fan belt guard installation instruction | 01 Engine | XL-40 Motorhome XL-40 XL-45 XL-45 Motorhome |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9021 | Instruction Sheet | Grag link installation with "Garrison" valve G21 | 14 Steering | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9022 | Instruction Sheet | "Cruisair" air conditioner | 22 Hvac | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9026 | Instruction Sheet | Electric connection guide for the replacement of Blaupunkt "Calgary" model radio by a "Phoenix" model | 06 Electrical | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9027 | Instruction Sheet | Electric connection guide for the replacement of Blaupunkt "Calgary" model radio by a "Boston" model | 06 Electrical | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9028 | Instruction Sheet | Electric connection guide for the replacement of Blaupunkt "Denver" model radio by a "Boston" model | 06 Electrical | XL-40 XL-45 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9034 | Instruction Sheet | Installation of a cap inside the hot liquid dispenser | 23 Accessories | H3-40 XL-40 XL-45 H3-45 H3-41 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9002 | Instruction Sheet | replacement of Engler or Dixon speedometer by a VDO speedometer on H5-60 | 23 Accessories | H5-60 | 1988 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-9003 | Instruction Sheet | Replacement of a "Dixson" or "Engler" tachometer by a VDO tachometer | 23 Accessories | H3-40 XL-40 XL-45 H3-45 H3-41 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1990 | Is-90124 | Instruction Sheet | installation of a new switch for the front kneeling system | 06 Electrical | H3-40 H3-45 H3-41 |
1990 - 1990 | En | |
1988 | IS-9914 | Instruction Sheet | DIRECTIONAL AND WARNING LIGHT FLASHER UNIT INSTALLATION | 06 Electrical | XL-40 XL-45 |
1988 - XXXX | En |